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Ever wonder why the only runners who seem to get sponsored by big brands are those runners with super human speed, endurance and extraordinary abilities? That is a very true fact of life right now that S.O.A.R. would like to change. We feel that big brands and businesses should focus on more than that to make an impact.  Not only celebrity and world class athletes can make change, you can too! It's our belief that runners along with the help of local businesses and event organizers around the world can pull together to empower each other and in turn help MANY others fight breast cancer. That's why 100% of the proceeds raised by S.O.A.R. will benefit the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. 

Just because they can run faster than a speeding bullet shouldn't mean that they are the only runners who can bring impact and influence to local businesses, brands, their potential customers and great causes.
No, we think that the passionate everyday runner offers that and more and can change the world one run at a time.
Introducing S.O.A.R.
Sponsored Organization of
Amateur R

We want to change  the idea that elite, professional athletes are the only ones that can offer the best sponsorship exposure to businesses and also who can inspire change in this world. We think that everyday runners are a huge group of motivated guys and gals who are motivated everyday and come together to help and support others.
S.O.A.R. believes that runners of all shapes and sizes can change the running industry for the better & bring motivation to the running community plus push themselves to do their best each time they run, thus allowing for a more open and accepted sponsorship initiative.
We might not be the fastest or the strongest but we have the heart of lions and the enthusiasm to go the distance. With a fighting spirit we can and WILL make a difference for others.
Local businesses and brands alike need runners like us to spread the word about their businesses and we will do so relentlessly with a passion knowing we're also helping the fight against breast cancer.
We offer REAL LIFE exposure, interaction and engagement. True word-of-mouth spread you can't acheive with clicks or likes. We provide brands the emotional labor that comes natural and the fighting spirit to battle breast cancer and help others!
Please share S.O.A.R. with your friends

© All RIghts Reserved. S.O.A.R. - Sponsored Organization of Amateur Runners


This is not some spam website!

We have real initiative & goals.

Kenny Berwager (founder)
running a 5 miler in York, PA

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